Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Digging for Resources"
Mind my race, my culture and my beliefs. Being the youth of South Africa without a voice is hard enough, so it begins with us to make the sacrifices and stand up to be heard. The venue that we snuck into on the the night is a scrap yard as it depicts where South Africa will end up due Nationalizing of mines. A portrait of Julius Malema visualizes him picking his nose, with a visual pun of digging for resources in the South African mining sector as it will only benefit the upper echelon of our Government and political powers. The right to FREEDOM of EXPRESSION. Be Inspired!

Take a look into what sacrifices Gasak went through for painting "Digging for Resources". As the youth of today, Be Inspired to make the difference!

"We lay down our life, for the sake of freedom" Nelson Mandela


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